1. Brandon
    March 1, 2018 @ 12:51 am

    I like your way of thinking. I know I’ve fallen victim in the past thinking that creating one email will do the trick, when in reality you have to be constantly gaining subscribers WHILE sending out emails on a consistent basis. This is where I failed miserably. I’m glad I found the best way to do it, so thanks a lot.


    • Carl
      March 4, 2018 @ 1:18 pm

      Ho Brandon. Yes running just one email for a few weeks will not give you very much success at all. I am happy you got it sorted out and I wish you great success with your all your endeavors. Thanks for stopping by.



  2. Lyndsay
    February 28, 2018 @ 10:44 pm

    This is a great article with a lot of useful information available in it. I have not thought through email subscription or cadence yet but I know I will need to in the months to come. I had an email program before and it was called Mail Chimp, is email benchmark a more superior product? I like that it has a great starter package that is free, so you can test before you fully buy for what you need. Thanks for the post! Lyndsay


    • Carl
      March 4, 2018 @ 1:17 pm

      Hi Lyndsay. Thanks much for stopping by and I am glad you found the post useful. I would say that it is a matter of preference to use either MailChimp or Benchmark. They both provide the same service and offer a free starter program. So it really up to you which one to use. I have not used Mailchimp yet so I cannot say if it is superior or not. I will probably be trying the free version of MailChimp to see what they are like then write a review of them so come on back as there are new posts being added weekly.



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