How To Make Money By Writing Online
Looking for how to make money by writing online? Wondering if that is even possible? Well, I am going to show you how you can do just that in the next few minutes that it takes you to read this article. Making a living by writing online can be a very rewarding experience not to mention lucrative too.
One of the great myths about writing online for a living is that you need to be an accomplished writer. Well, nothing can be further from the truth. In fact, you don’t need to know how to write at all. If you can have a conversation with your friend or somebody else and get your point across then you can write online.
What Do You Write About?
Well, for one thing, you can write about how to make money by writing articles online, lol. Seriously though, it is that easy. Once you know how to do it you could write about anything, right? I am sure you could.
Actually, you can write anything you want. Do you have a passion? Is there something that you have a lot of knowledge of? You can write about these things too. There really is no limit to the things you can write about. Even things that happen in your life if you like.
And what about the things you like to talk about. I am sure you have a bunch of topics that interest you that you could give your opinion on.
Maybe there is something that you would like to learn about. You can write about the learning experience and then about the actual subject once you have learned it.
You can choose a niche product and write about it by doing things like reviews or how to’s, or its features for example. So there really is a lot of things to write about if you just stop and think and get creative.
What Do You Need?
Now that you have decided on your niche topic and know what you want to write about you are going to need a few things to be able to make money writing articles online.
You are going to need to first choose a name for your domain that you will need for your website that you will also need. Before you can get a website you need to find a hosting platform to put your website on. Hosting platforms are plentiful on the Internet but they all charge different rates and offer different services, so do some research on them first.
Once you have these three items you are all set to begin your new writing career online.
My number one recommended platform to get your domain, hosting, and website, all-in-one, is Wealthy Affiliate. Plus they provide you with training to get you set up and started on your way for free.
How Do You Make Money Writing Articles?
So the big question that everyone wants to know. How do you monetize your website and make money from writing? Well, let me clear that up for you.
First of all, you need to have traffic to your website to able to earn money writing articles online. Without traffic there is nobody visiting your site, thus there is no possibility for revenue to be made. So you need to get traffic to your site first.
You do this by writing good quality content that helps people and Google will rank your website in its search results. Once you are in the search results then people can find your website and click on it and you will get traffic. Now, there are people who will buy your product or service or book or whatever your niche is in.
You can sign up and become an affiliate with other companies that sell the product/service you are offering and you can market their products on your site and sell them for a commission. This is known as Affiliate Marketing.
You can have your own product, service, book, videos, etc. and sell on your website. Again here you will write articles that are informative helpful and interesting to get people to read them. When they read them then they will buy your product and you will earn a revenue.
You can host other companies ads on your website. You are basically renting out the web space that your website has on the Internet. This can add up really fast and you can make some good money doing it.
There are also ads like Google Adsense that places an ad on your website and when someone clicks on it you get paid. This is known as PPC or Pay Per Click ads and will generate revenue for you.
The best way to earn money writing articles though is having your own product/service/book etc. This is because you do not have to share the profit with anyone. When you are an affiliate of another company you get paid a commission that can range anywhere from about 3% to, I have seen some as high as 70% and I have heard of higher but I have not personally seen that, so I cannot vouch for that.
So, as you can see there are many ways to monetize your site. There are more ways that I have not even mentioned here and can be found with a little research on the Internet.
Final Thoughts
So now you know how to make money by writing online. It can be a very lucrative business model to follow and you can definitely make a living from it. Building your foundation first and learning will take time and a lot of work but in the end will be well worth the time spent.
If you are really serious about changing your life for the better and working your own schedule then see my #1 recommended e-learning platform. If you would like to learn how to make a living writing articles online then I highly recommend that you take a look at them. Plus it is free to join, no credit card required!
If you have any questions or comments about the above information please feel free to leave a comment below and I will be glad to respond to you and thanks for stopping by.
February 7, 2018 @ 6:49 am
Very useful and informative post.
Keep sharing with us.
February 7, 2018 @ 6:05 pm
Hi Sunaina and thanks for stopping by. Happy that you found the article useful. Come back anytime for new stuff to be posted.
February 4, 2018 @ 9:24 pm
Carl: I really liked your site and believe it is very good info.
I am new and having only started approx 3 mos ago with WA and this was very helpful to me. Thank you.
February 4, 2018 @ 9:44 pm
Hi Mike and thanks, I am glad it was able to help you. I wish you great success on your journey.